When Worry Spreads: Identifying and Managing Parental Anxiety for Your Child’s Sake
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano : Image via Pexels Guest Post By Bruce Fletcher @lifetimeofhappy.com Parental anxiety is a force that can shape the dynamics of a family, often without conscious awareness. It is crucial for parents to understand the ripple effects their stress can have on their children’s emotional and social development. By addressing […]
Bouncing Back with Brilliance: Tips for Overcoming Adversity. Build Resilience
Navigating challenges and transforming adversity into success is a journey that fosters crucial skills for personal and professional growth. By enhancing emotional intelligence, setting achievable goals, and pursuing continuous learning, you can confidently approach life's hurdles and emerge stronger. Embracing change, focusing on what you can control, and turning challenges into learning opportunities are key strategies to thrive despite adversity. Discover how to reshape your mindset, build re
Great Tips for Finding Inspiration and Positivity to Thwart a Mid-Life Crisis
Guest Post By: Stephanie Haywood Photo Credit – Unsplash As we get older, we tend to look at our lives and wonder if we have made the most out of our time on this planet. In many cases, this is called a midlife crisis and it can be tough to deal with but there are […]
Climate Change and Why It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
Guest Post By: Cheryl Conklin of WellnessCentral.Info Image via Pexels Climate change is indeed scary. But what makes it even scarier is its unpredictability, often with the severest of consequences that can frighten even the bravest at heart. However, it’s vital not to let ourselves get too carried away with what’s happening around us because […]
Achieving Confidence Through Positivity
Guest Post by Constance Ray of RecoveryWell.org / Image via Pexels It’s true that confidence is something you can’t just wish for. You have to earn it. There are no shortcuts, and there’s no way around the hard work of taking care of your mental health. With a little effort, you can start feeling better today and even […]
Time For a Change? 5 Ways to Transform Your Life.
Have you been feeling stagnant and stuck lately? Sometimes, we all need to change things up to feel motivated again - especially when we’ve spent the last year coping with a worldwide pandemic. If you’re unhappy with where you are now or the direction your life is headed, you always have the opportunity to try something new.
Try These Simple Practices to Prevent Anxiety Attacks
If you deal with anxiety attacks, you know how distressing and stressful they can be. Anxiety is your body's way of responding to stressful situations, and a healthy amount of it can provide you with extra energy and focus on overcoming challenges. But when your anxiety reaches unhealthy levels, and it begins to disrupt your life, it's time to figure out how to bring it under control.
Integration of Yoga & Psychology … Wisdom Informs, Science Explains. Free 1 hour Class
In this class, we will connect the dots between key Yoga philosophy topics and what recent research in the west has discovered. Understand the science behind mind-body health and the integration of ancient wisdom and modern psychology. Designed for you – Yoga teachers and mental health providers – walk away with some key tips to bring […]
Yoga & Psychology. Looking Closer at Maya and Samskaras
Over the last year I have been diving back into yoga. It has been a long time since I looked at the ancient texts. Last year I chose to deepen my understanding of yoga philosophy. I re-read Light on Life, Light on Yoga, dove back into the sutra translations, and the Yoga Pradipika. In my […]
Meditation & Mindful Movement
There is more and more research coming out about meditation on the benefits on mood, emotional regulation, ability to concentrate and focus, as well as, brain development and changes in those who meditate … for the better even as we age. Looking for a comfortable meditation seat? Look for one here: If your idea of […]