Find Support to Reach Your Fitness Dreams
Have you ever had this experience: You are on top of the world, flying high on your excitement and new found dreams, only to have someone close to you squash it? It may be a look or comment. Maybe its a person whose opinion is held so dear to your heart that it devastated you to get […]
Engaging Family and Friends in Your Workouts
We all know doing things with people we like can be really fun. AND when we have people to be accountable to we often do a better job of getting our goals done. When you set up a workout buddy – someone to check in with, meet at the 6am workout class, or do fun […]
Group Ex Etiquette: Becoming part of the group exercise craze
When I used to teach multiple classes a week – for a time up to 14 each week! – I always had clients coming up to me stating they would like to be in a class but didn’t know what / how to enter and fit in. Here’s the basics. First, come a little early […]