Its just about summer time and if you are like me you like to travel but don’t always know what to snack on along the way. With some simple guidelines it can be easier to choose healthy and still pick quick. Below is a list of ideas for choosing healthy snack foods when on the […]

Protein is what your body uses to build muscle among other things. Another needed source of fuel, protein can help you feel full longer. This means that eating foods high in protein, usually means you won’t eat as much. Snacks such as; apples with peanut butter, cheese and crackers, cottage cheese and a fruit or […]

Many people are more and more confused when it comes to food choices. The majority of Americans are increasingly concerned about nutrition and pesticides. Many base their food choices on what is in or on them. This has led to an explosion in the organic food market, and to increasingly more confusing food labels. Studies […]

Accountability. A big, very important word, accountability. In our society of give me’s, I deserve’s, and I want’s we have lost some accountability for our actions. I meet many people who wonder why they cannot lose weight. “I try so hard”, they complain. Then we look at their actions. They eat large portions, have long […]

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