3 Ways to Make it Through Difficult Conversations
So with this week’s theme being communication AND our political pundits all over the snippets of communication between our highest leaders, it is worth a comment or two on how we can make our communication effective even in difficult situations. First, remember it is ok to disagree. Just because someone does not agree with you […]
Make Yourself More Happy … Turn the other cheek
Think you have to meet violence with more violence – physical, emotional, or spoken? Think again. By using effective communication skills and the art of grace, you can be happier regardless of how the people around you are acting. Practice finding the light in everyone you meet today. Turn the other cheek is something many […]
Do Your Communication Skills Need An Upgrade?
I see so many people in my practice fighting about being right in communication … when it’s not about being right, it’s about being effective. If you feel like you always have to win, you’ve got other problems. It might be worth exploring your need to be right, your sense of self, confidence levels, ability […]
Why Gratitude Lists Can Be Hard and What to Do About It
Photo Credit: Shutterstock, Photographer: Isabella Rose 444’s portfolio Are you someone who balks at the idea of doing a gratitude practice? Does it make you angry, or sad, or afraid to count your blessings or receive help from others? Then read on, many of us struggle to enjoy the good things in life and feel grateful for them. […]
What is Good Leadership … and How Does it Effect Us All?
As we stop to celebrate our presidential leaders today, have you ever thought about what makes a good leader? Is it just the people in charge, at the top, or in positions of power? Or do you find leaders all around you? For me, leadership has always been an interesting topic. I was selected at a […]
Exercises To Do When You Have Kids
Any of them! No seriously I know having kids and dogs and parents and a job and … the list could go on can get overwhelming and make it really really really hard to fit everything into your schedule. However – If you don’t make time to fit fitness in – Nothing else will fit! […]
4 Ways to Relieve Household Stress While Self-Isolating
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have put lots of pressure on parents over the past couple of months, and while you have a bit more freedom to leave your home now, your options for activities are still rather limited. As you try to balance working from home with your kids hanging around and taking […]
Be Present and Play Hard
Ok, it’s getting to be crunch time and you are bored with the same ole same ole workout. You hit the trail and see kids playing by the park. They look excited, engaged, and exhausted at the same time. You think to yourself … “if only I had their energy”. Well, some of their energy […]
Social Distancing While Parenting and Being a Social Worker
Guest Post By: Megan Murphy, LCSW I begin writing some scattered thoughts after the third night of tossing and turning and waking up with a sore jaw and neck, from all of the things my brain must be trying to work out at night. I notice that mornings, I tend to feel strong and hopeful. […]
5 Ways to Increase Your Effective Communication: Understanding Influence and Impact
Each week I spend quite a bit of time working with people who struggle to communicate effectively. They are either passive, passive aggressive, or aggressive in their communication style in efforts to get their personal needs met. For many they have never been taught effective communication patterns and are relying on old observations of role […]