Working with Ambivalence … the parts of you that want to change & the parts that don’t.
Ever wonder why it is so hard to make big changes … or even small ones for that matter? It is often because we have what is known as ambivalence. This concept that part of us wants to change and part of us does not. We have a small war going on inside ourselves between […]
15 Steps to Find Everyday Inspiration
To be effective with ourselves and our teams we must recognize that motivation comes from within, but is first inspired. So rather than chase motivation we must find inspiration. If we are leading a team of people we must look to inspire rather than motivate. If we are working with ourselves we have to figure […]
Stand Tall on the Changes You are Making
Are working hard to make life changes only to feel defeated by those around you or yourself? It may be time to look beneath the surface of the change process and find the deeper meaning in the struggle. For each obstacle from Thursday’s change plan worksheet consider 2-3 options for coping with each on the way to […]
Align With Your Authentic Self
Last time we discussed how getting out and being alone can help us “hear” ourselves talk. As we spend more time with ourselves we build a strong sense of self and deeper connection to the type of person we want to be. As great as this sounds. It can be really, really, really, hard to […]
Finding Flow in Finances
Ever thought about finding your flow with finances? Many people struggle to feel comfortable about money. I see all types in my practice – those with lots of money who feel they ignored things that were important in order to get it, and those without money who are desperate to meet basic needs and survive. […]
Bedtime Routines
For some hitting the hay comes easy. For others it becomes a struggle night after night. Here are some ideas on how to get to bed easier. From the time we are babies the experts preach bedtime routines. This doesn’t change as we get older – I think we just quit listening as closely. Routines […]
Five Self-Care Tips for Optimum Mental Health
Here’s a great reminder about why self care is so important, along with some great ideas about how to make sure you are getting enough self care for yourself. Guest Post By: Brad Krause at Having good mental health has never been more challenging in this age of information overload. You’ve got bills to pay, […]
13 Ways to Give … The Spiritual Side of Service
Want to know the secret to happiness? Get outside of yourself. When we reach out to others and help make someone else’s life better we actually help ourselves. Acts of service help you stay healthy – mentally and physically. Get out there and help today. Many religious and spiritual practices speak of service. Service is […]
Live the Life You Love
How much do you love what you are doing? With your life? With your partner? With yourself? Are you able to look around your life and feel like YES! this is what I want to be doing? If not then it’s time for you to re-evaluate your life and how you live it. Read on […]
5 Ways to Expand Your Curiosity & Create an Interesting Life
Ever wonder why curiosity is so important in a healthy existence? It is because it is the key. It is the key that unlocks the experiences we have while helping us explore them without getting tipped over by them. It tempers us. It allows us to grow, to expand, and to solve problems. It is […]