Facing Fears and Dealing with Trauma
We all have trauma. Some experiences are worse than others, some easier to deal with. For many we pretend we aren’t dealing with trauma and thus keep our survival brain operating instead of our socially engaged learning brain. This hurts us all and gets worse with time. Trauma impacts your physical health, relationships, and ability […]
Exercise and Cancer
Many studies are currently being released regarding the relationship between cancer and exercise, and many of us have been touched by cancer in some fashion. New research shows links between prevention and survival of cancer with exercise, which is exciting*. Cancer used to be a death sentence, but with today’s technology cancer doesn’t have to be, and […]
A Look at Heart Disease
Cardiovascular health is incredibly important. With February drawing near I thought it appropriate to discuss heart disease, today. Heart disease is the number one killer in America. It kills more people than cancer. What are you doing to protect yourself? Eight out of eleven risk factors are lifestyle choices, so you do have a choice. […]
Crazy … Reclaim It
The word crazy gets thrown around as a derogatory word to put people down. To distinguish the differences between us, to keep people in their place. Reclaim it and let your greatness shine. In my work the word crazy does not appear in the DSM 5, nor any other versions. It is not a clinical […]
Wanna Change? Planning Makes A Difference
When changing a habit it is important to plan. As you look at your schedule it is important to “schedule” your workouts just like you would any other appointment. Pack your gym bag the night before: put your shoes, clothing, water bottle, hair ties, iPod, earphones, towel, etc. in the bag and place the bag […]
Facing Fear With Movement
So, I’ve been listening to uninhibited women leadership online conference with Ashley Burnett this week and the topic today was about fear. I found it interesting to discuss fear and struggle to know what I am truly afraid of. I spend a lot of time working with people who are afraid, I talk about it most days […]
High Intensity Training is the Rage for Good Reason
HIIT training allows us to access the higher level energy need followed by recovery only to rebound back to the higher state of energy need. This back and forth helps us burn more calories than sustained longer workouts at a lower training rate and do so in less time. HIIT is a wonderful way to […]
Realistic Goal Setting
Photo Credit: All in The Mind. People often underestimate what it will take to be successful in a goal. Many times they have chosen a large goal and then fail to break it into smaller pieces. For example I once had a woman tell me she needed to lose 50lbs in 3 weeks for a wedding […]
Quantify All Your Movement Using Metabolic Equivalents (METs)
Want to know an easy way to count all your movement? Try using METs. These are metabolic equivalents and they help you determine how hard you are working when you do movement. A MET is an absolute value used by exercise physiologists to help us understand how much work is being expended by any given […]
Cycling Your Workouts
Cycling your workouts helps on two fronts. First it helps you get over plateaus (which we’ll discuss in a few days) and second it allows you to make sure you don’t get too efficient in your workouts.An easy way to look at cycling workouts is to start with your time frame – say you have […]