How Not To Take Things Personally. Your Guide To Managing Your Emotions.
Understanding and owning your emotional experience is key to staying grounded in a variety of relationship patterns. From getting swept away with actions that may not be best for you, to getting in fights and prematurely (or waiting too long) to end relationships, understanding impact and influence versus handing over your emotional power is key. […]
Get Moving: The links between physical exercise and psychological states
This week, in the last of the series on self regulation, we are going to talk about exercise and movement. For many exercise is something extra they must do every day, but in reality movement is part of what regulates your body throughout the day. It starts with breathing. As you breathe you regulate your […]
Slow Down, Focus, & Finish Strong
I had a lot to do today. I am feeling a little scattered. I started by getting the kids off to school, then working with my dog on the leash – so she doesn’t break my arm when she pulls, then I went to work in my home office, which can be harder than leaving my […]
Focus on What Works
Today focus on what you want and ignore all those things you do not want. Do not waste your energy focused on what is not working. Note the problem, create a solution, and move in the direction you want to go. Do not look back. What is done, is done. Just move forward. READ THE […]
Sleep Better Tonight
Let’s talk about sleep. According to the CDC one third of the US population struggles to get enough sleep. take medication to get and stay asleep. Our work, technology, and movement needs have changed throughout the years. As a result more of us have trouble falling and staying asleep. A good number of us turn […]
How To Improve Mental Health Using Exercise
Many of us have good days and bad days. But what happens when our worry, fear, and sadness take over? It can be hard to exercise and find the energy to take care of ourselves during those times. For some those times are situational and fleeting however for others the situation leads to prolonged feelings […]
Here’s How You Can Sleep Well Even if You Have Back Pain
Getting to sleep is hard for many of us. Let alone trying to get to sleep with pain. Here are some ideas to help you get to sleep and stay asleep if you suffer with back pain. Guest Post by: Cheryl Conklin of Back pain is one of the leading causes of sleep issues. You […]
Feeling Like a Phony. The Imposter Phenomenon
Have you ever felt you wouldn’t be able to figure things out, that you weren’t responsible for your successes, terrified of making mistakes because people would “find out” you really didn’t know what you were doing. Plus, working hard to make sure you looked like you knew what was going on, even while feeling not […]
How many of us wait so long to “be healed” by another?
Often we want to feel better “right now” so we impulsively act – use substances, sex, shopping, perfection – in service of not feeling the painful parts of our history, which when not healed create painful new experiences to reinforce the old belief. So it must be true! This little visual is so true ( ) […]
Understanding all the ways we communicate. We are just chemical, electrical, and vibrational little beings
In my undergraduate studies there was a moment in time when I was a communication major. In the end I graduated with a bachelor of science in exercise science and a minor in business and communication studies. You are probably pretty familiar with the “regular” ways we communicate i.e. talking and body posture. Did you […]