3 Ways to Get Your Goals Back on Track
So many of us have great ideas and goals set at the 1st of the year, only to lose them by February 14th and then beat ourselves up because we can’t seem to stay on track. Some of us are crushing it in some places and not in others. Today take time to reflect on […]
Sleep Better Tonight
Let’s talk about sleep. According to the CDC one third of the US population struggles to get enough sleep. take medication to get and stay asleep. Our work, technology, and movement needs have changed throughout the years. As a result more of us have trouble falling and staying asleep. A good number of us turn […]
How To Improve Mental Health Using Exercise
Many of us have good days and bad days. But what happens when our worry, fear, and sadness take over? It can be hard to exercise and find the energy to take care of ourselves during those times. For some those times are situational and fleeting however for others the situation leads to prolonged feelings […]
Here’s How You Can Sleep Well Even if You Have Back Pain
Getting to sleep is hard for many of us. Let alone trying to get to sleep with pain. Here are some ideas to help you get to sleep and stay asleep if you suffer with back pain. Guest Post by: Cheryl Conklin of WellnessCentral.info Back pain is one of the leading causes of sleep issues. You […]
Did You Get Lucky Last Night? 3 ways to make sure you continue to have a healthy sex life.
In my office I counsel many people on the topic of sex. So many of us are unsatisfied with our sex lives and are looking for ways to talk about and communicate our desires, wants, needs effectively and compassionately. Sex is not a dirty word or activity … it is a necessary biological function. Here’s […]
Are You Ready To Commit?
What does it mean to commit? So many of think about commitment in terms of relationship, but do you ever consider what it means to commit in your everyday life and toward your everyday goals? Today examine your commitments to see if you have taken the steps to actually make them happen and see how […]
3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Workout Partner
Here are 3 things to consider when choosing your workout partner. As wonderful as it is to have a person to workout with, it can be disastrous if you are not careful about who you pick to groove with. 1st – make sure you are clear about your goals. What do you want to accomplish, […]
Dealing with Pain
Pain is bi-directional it runs from the body to the mind or the mind to the body. We can interrupt these signals and you will not feel as much or any pain. In a meta-analysis of studies examining how our brains register pain Apkarian, Bushness, Treede, and Zubieta (2004) found evidence for using distraction as […]
Psychological Pain Management
Pain is an interesting signal. It is here to help us pay attention. Sometimes our signals get crossed. We find pain in situations that are not physical, yet feel physically painful – the broken heart, gut response, or goosebumps rising. Physical and emotional pain run on the same circuits and there are a variety of […]
What is Pain: Emotional? Physical?
The problem with pain – is a big topic in our media right now. There is so much talk about the opioid crisis, questions about what is chronic pain, and wonderings about how we got here. The conversation is large and happening in all sorts of places. In my practice, I deal a lot with […]