Guest Post by Camille Johnson at – Image via Pixabay

Are you feeling unsatisfied, either at work or at home? There may be things you’re not doing—but should—to improve your life. So read on to find ways to make changes to your circumstances and start turning your life around, courtesy of Studio B.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Dealing with a worldwide pandemic. Worrying about job uncertainty. Fearing the kids will fall behind at school. There are a multitude of reasons to feel stressed and overwhelmed with life, which is why it’s so important to take care of your mental health. Even if you’re short on time or funds, carve out moments just for yourself: take out the dog for a walk, read a book from an author you love, watch your favorite show. Also, make it a point to keep your surroundings clean and clutter-free, as all that excess stuff can make you feel more stressed.

Most importantly, you shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek mental health counseling and therapy and talk to professionals at Studio B. Let your family and coworkers know that you need time to focus on yourself so that they can give you the space you need.

Delegating Tasks

You’re trying to juggle all the tasks at home and at work, and you end up not doing any of them well, which leads to frustration and unhappiness. So figure out what can be done by someone else and free up some of your time and energy so that you can focus on what matters. If you own a small business, hire freelance or part-time help to take care of your books. They can take managing financial matters off your plate and can use an invoice generator to create great-looking invoices for your customers. You can also have freelancers handle your marketing and delivery needs. 

If you work from home, hire a babysitter to watch the kids so you can work uninterrupted for a few hours a day. And don’t feel guilty if you use some of that newfound free time to do something just for you, like going to the gym or getting coffee with a friend: you need this break to reset and recharge.

Making a Career Change

Maybe you’re unhappy with your job, or maybe your family situation has changed, and spending long hours away from home fills you with anxiety, but you still need a paycheck and are afraid to quit. If that’s the case, consider dipping your toes in the entrepreneurial waters and starting your own home-based business on the side. Or take an online class to learn new skills that could lead you to a different career path. 

Take time to talk to people working in different fields you may be interested in, and spend a day shadowing a friend whose job seems appealing to you. Build relationships with people who work in the industry you’re interested in. You probably won’t find your next career overnight, but you need to take steps to actually get there.  

Saying ‘No’

A lot of us tend to take on more than we can chew, both at work and at home—at work, a colleague asks you for help on a project, you’re assigned one more client, or your boss asks you to organize the company picnic; at home, your kids are invited to birthdays, need rides to their sports practices, have a recital coming up, etc. As tempting as it may be to say yes to everything, if you want to avoid burnout, you need to say no when your plate is full. 

Get some help by asking your partner to accompany your children to their extracurricular activities, or get in touch with other parents and organize a carpool. And at work, set clear boundaries with your boss and coworkers when it comes to your schedule, especially if you have to work around school drop-off and daycare pickup hours.

The best way to improve your life is to be proactive. Take measures to lighten your load at work and at home, and take time for yourself. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled, both personally and professionally.


This article is brought to you by Studio B, where our goal is to help clients feel more grounded, empowered, and inspired to live a life motivated, inspired, and balanced every day. All while making health treatments approachable resulting in decreased mental illness, addiction, physical disease, and obesity stigma with an increased commitment to personal healthcare responsibility. 

For more information, please visit our services and courses page or contact us today!

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