Guest Post By: Cheryl Conklin of WellnessCentral.Info

Image via Pexels

Climate change is indeed scary. But what makes it even scarier is its unpredictability, often with the severest of consequences that can frighten even the bravest at heart. However, it’s vital not to let ourselves get too carried away with what’s happening around us because there is really no use in panicking anyway.

So, if the effects of climate change have threatened to overwhelm you, Dr. Stacy presents some suggestions for restoring a sense of calm as we learn to navigate our way in and through these uncertain times.

Relieving Eco-Anxiety

When it comes to alleviating eco-anxiety, you should be taking conscious steps to feel less stressed out about climate change and its warnings.

Educating oneself about the facts of climate change rather than jumping to hypothetical ‘what-ifs’ is one way to put things into a healthy perspective. Moreover, don’t buy into every attention-grabbing headline you come across if you don’t want to pollute your brain even more with unsubstantiated facts. 

Things You Can Do to Help

Of course, on the other side of the coin, there are things you can do to help yourself feel better about the situation that will help the environment too such as:

Skip Your Car and Use the Bus

When you decide to skip using your personal transportation to get to places and instead use a bicycle or carpool to commute, you mitigate your carbon footprint on the environment drastically.

Choose More Veggies Over Meat

Opting for more veggies over red meat is not only potentially healthier for your body according to research but it’s also better for the environment too as it is this simple act that can help reduce greenhouse gasses significantly.

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Build an Eco-Friendly Business

Whether your business is new or you’re wanting to transform your business to reflect a ‘greener’ company there are practical steps you can take today to make this happen. Things like going paperless, using this online invoice maker, choosing only sustainable packaging, and installing energy-efficient lighting are small things you can do to leave a lasting impact. And to make matters easier as far as selecting a business structure goes, an LLC is a great option to choose that won’t detract from your new focus.

Furthermore, its simplicity, flexibility, ease of paperwork, and tax advantages make it the obvious choice for entrepreneurs just starting out. Just be sure to take note of the different filing requirements per state as these can differ quite a bit from state to state. A formation service can assist you with this if you get stuck though. So don’t hesitate to reach out to one near you.

In summary, we don’t have to avoid the climate of change to cope with it better. In fact, it is only by facing things head-on that we can come to terms with them, which helps us seek the appropriate remedies to handle unexpected events as best we can.

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